Thursday, December 04, 2008

anger management in the news

The case for health care investment

Thu, 04 Dec 2008 10:49:17 -0800
Given the precarious state of the economy and the huge investment being made to keep Wall Street afloat, some have argued any move to implement universal health care is ill-timed. Jonathan Gruber, in an op-ed piece in today's New York Times, argues it's the best time.

Mom Central Holiday Gift Guide

Wed, 03 Dec 2008 15:30:00 -0800
Mom Central Holiday Gift Guide is THE place to go for great holiday gift ideas. What a woderful idea! This gift guide took a lot of thought and research and you can tell! Neatly (and attractively!) categorized for Her, Him, Baby/Toddler, Teens, Tweens (thanks, Mom Central!) , Kids and Pets, they make gift giving 100% easier.I found lots of ideas and I'll get credit for giving great gifts! Along with each product is the thoroughly researched review so you get first hand scoop on these great gift

Random one worded-thoughts

Wed, 03 Dec 2008 18:31:00 -0800
1. Where is your cell phone? LEFT 2. Your significant other? WORK 3. Your hair? TIED 4. Your mother? HOME 5. Your father? HOME 6. Your favorite thing? MOOLAH 7. Your dream last night? NONE 8. Your favorite drink? COKE 9. Your dream/goal? FULFILLMENT 10. The room you’re in? DINING 11. Your hobby? SCRAPPING 12. Your fear? DEATH 13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? USA 14. What you’re not? SEXY 15. Muffins? CHOCOLATE 16. One of your wish list items? CO

The very latest information on target shooting

£40.00 Cashback - First Direct

Thu, 04 Dec 2008 10:08:51 -0800
Switch to a First Direct 1st Account and you'll find that life suddenly becomes that little bit easier. You can manage your finances online or by phone 24/7, and they'll give you £100 when you switch.